JNTUA e-Books Blog is a digital library platform is an online portal that offers free access to a collection of e-books to the students of JNTUA. The blog provides a user-friendly interface where users can search and access various e-books available …

CSE Year-4 Sem-1

#Product Development and Design  #Management Science #Cryptography and Network Security  #Principals of Mobile Communications and Cellular Networks  #Full Stack Development  #PDD #PD&D #MS #CNS #CN&s #CN and S #FDS #PCMC #PC and MC #PC & M…

ECE 2-Year 2-Sem

#Linear Algebra and Calculus  #Communication Systems  # Digital Logic Design  #Em Waves and Transmission Lines  #Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes  # CS #DLD #EMTL #PTSP Linear and Digital IC Applications ICs and OP- AMPS Applications of OP…

ECE 2-Year 1-Sem

#Complex Variables and Transforms  #Signsla and Systems  #Analogue Circuits  #Electrical Engineering  #CVT  #SS  #AC  #EE Complex Variables & Transforms Complex Variable – Differentiation Complex Variable – Integration Laplace Transforms Fourier…

ECE 1-Year 2-Sem

#  Chemistry  #C-Programming and data Structures  #Electronic Devices and Circuits  #CP&DS  #CP and DS  #EDC  #ED&C Chemistry Structure and Bonding Models Modern Engineering Materials Electrochemistry and Applications Polymer Chemistry Instrum…

ECE 1-Year 1-Sem

#Applied Physics  #Communication English  #Engineering Drawing  #Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits  #fec  #AP  #CE  #FEC  #fe and c  #fe&c Applied Physics Wave Optics Lasers Dielectrics Quantum Mechanics Semi-Conductors Communication English On …

CSE Year-3 Sem-2

#Internet of Things  #Machine Learning  #Basic VLSI Design  #Compiler Design  #Advanced Computer Architecture #IoT #ML #BVLSI #VLSI #CD #ACA Internet of Things UNIT I : Introduction to IoT -  Download PDF Definition and Characteristics of IoT, physica…

CSE 3-Year 1-Sem

#Artificial Intelligence  #Big Data  #Computer Networks  #Formal Language Automata Theory  #Optimization Techniques  #Software Project Management  #AI  #BD  #CN  #OT  #SPM Artificial Intelligence Introduction Solving Problems by searching Reinforcemen…

CSE and CSE AI&D 2-Year 2-Sem

#Database Management System  #Deterministic and Stochastic Statistical Methods  #Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis  #Operating Systems  #Software Engineering  #DBMS  #D&SSM  #DSSM MEFA  #OS  #SE DataBase Management System Introduction, I…

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