#Applied Physics #Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering #C-Prigramming and Data Structures #AP #BEEE #CPDS #CP&DS #CD and DS- Chemistry
Unit 1: Structure and Bonding Models - Download PDF
Planck's quantum theory, dual nature of matter, Schrodinger equation, significance of Ψ and Ψ2, applications to hydrogen, molecular orbital theory – bonding in homo- and heteronuclear diatomic molecules – energy level diagrams of O2 and CO, etc. Ï€-molecular orbitals of butadiene and benzene, calculation of bond order.
Unit 2: Modern Engineering materials - Download PDFCoordination compounds: Crystal field theory – salient features – splitting in octahedral and tetrahedral geometry. Properties of coordination compounds-Oxidation state, coordination, magnetic and colour. Semiconductor materials, super conductors- basic concept, band diagrams for conductors, semiconductors and insulators, Effect of doping on band structures.
Supercapacitors: Introduction, Basic concept-Classification – Applications.
Nano chemistry: Introduction, classification of nano materials, properties and applications of Fullerenes, carbon nano tubes and Graphines nanoparticles.
Unit 3: Electrochemistry and Applications - Download PDF
Electrodes – concepts, reference electrodes (Calomel electrode, Ag/AgCl electrode and glass electrode); Electrochemical cell, Nernst equation, cell potential calculations and numerical problems, potentiometry- potentiometric titrations (redox titrations), concept of conductivity, conductivity cell, conductometric titrations (acid-base titrations). Electrochemical sensors – potentiometric sensors with examples, amperometric sensors with examples. Primary cells – Zinc-air battery, Secondary cells – Nickel-Cadmium (NiCad),and lithium ion batteries-working of the batteries including cell reactions; Fuel cells, hydrogen-oxygen, methanol fuel cells –working of the cells.
Unit 4: Polymer Chemistry - Download PDF
Introduction to polymers, functionality of monomers, chain growth and step growth polymerization, coordination polymerization, copolymerization (stereospecific polymerization) with specific examples and mechanisms of polymer formation. Plastics - Thermoplastics and Thermo settings, Preparation, properties and applications of – PVC, Teflon, Bakelite, Nylon-6,6, carbon fibres. Elastomers–Buna-S, Buna-N–preparation, properties and applications. Conducting polymers – polyacetylene, polyaniline, poly pyrroles – mechanism of conduction and applications.
Unit 5: Instrumental Methods and Applications - Download PDF
Electromagnetic spectrum. Absorption of radiation: Beer-Lambert’s law. Principle and applications of pH Metry, UV-Visible, IR Spectroscopies. Solid-Liquid Chromatography–TLC, retention time.
- Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering
UNIT -1: DC & AC Circuits - Download PDF
Electrical circuit elements (R - L and C) - Kirchhoff laws - Series and parallel connection of resistances with DC excitation. Superposition Theorem - Representation of sinusoidal waveforms peak and rms values - phasor representation - real power - reactive power - apparent power - power factor - Analysis of single-phase ac circuits consisting of RL - RC - RLC series circuits, Resonance.
UNIT -2: DC & AC Machines - Download PDFPrinciple and operation of DC Generator - EMF equations - OCC characteristics of DC generator principle and operation of DC Motor – Performance Characteristics of DC Motor - Speed control of DC Motor – Principle and operation of Single Phase Transformer - OC and SC tests on transformer - Principle and operation of 3-phase AC machines [ Elementary treatment only ].
UNIT -3: Basics of Power Systems - Download PDFLayout & operation of Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear Stations - Solar & wind generating stations – Typical AC Power Supply scheme – Elements of Transmission line – Types of Distribution systems: Primary & Secondary distribution systems.
Part ‘B’- Electronics Engineering
Unit-1: Diodes and Applications - Download PDF
Diodes and Applications: Semiconductor Diode, Diode as a Switch& Rectifier, Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifiers with and without Filters; Operation and Applications of Zener Diode, LED, Photo Diode. Transistor Characteristics: Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) – Construction, Operation, Amplifying Action, Common Base, Common Emitter and Common Collector Configurations, Operating Point, Biasing of Transistor Configuration; Field Effect Transistor (FET) – Construction, Characteristics of Junction FET, Concepts of Small Signal Amplifiers –CE & CC Amplifiers.
Unit-2: OP-AMPS - Download PDF
Operational Amplifiers and Applications: Introduction to Op-Amp, Differential Amplifier Configurations, CMRR, PSRR, Slew Rate; Block Diagram, Pin Configuration of 741 Op-Amp, Characteristics of Ideal Op-Amp, Concept of Virtual Ground; Op-Amp Applications - Inverting, Non- Inverting, Summing and Difference Amplifiers, Voltage Follower, Comparator, Differentiator, Integrator.
Unit-3: Digital Electronics - Download PDF
Digital Electronics: Logic Gates, Simple combinational circuits–Half and Full Adders, BC Adder. Latches and Flip-Flops (S-R, JK and D), Shift Registers and Counters. Introduction to Microcontrollers and their applications (Block diagram approach only).
- C-Programing and Data Structures
UNIT-1: Introduction to C Language - Download PDF
C language elements, variable declarations and data types, operators and expressions, decision statements - If and switch statements, loop control statements - while, for, do-while statements, arrays.
UNIT – 2: Functions - Download PDF
Functions, types of functions, Recursion and argument passing, pointers, storage allocation, pointers to functions, expressions involving pointers, Storage classes – auto, register, static, extern, Structures, Unions, Strings, string handling functions, and Command line arguments.
UNIT-3: Data Structures - Download PDF
Data Structures, Overview of data structures, stacks and queues, representation of a stack, stack related terms, operations on a stack, implementation of a stack, evaluation of arithmetic expressions, infix, prefix, and postfix notations, evaluation of postfix expression, conversion of expression from infix to postfix, recursion, queues - various positions of queue, representation of queue, insertion, deletion, searching operations.
UNIT – 4: Linked Lists - Download PDF
Linked Lists – Singly linked list, dynamically linked stacks and queues, polynomials using singly linked lists, using circularly linked lists, insertion, deletion and searching operations, doubly linked lists and its operations, circular linked lists and its operations.
UNIT-5: Trees - Download PDF
Trees - Tree terminology, representation, Binary trees, representation, binary tree traversals. binary tree operations, Graphs - graph terminology, graph representation, elementary graph operations, Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS), connected components, spanning trees. Searching and Sorting – sequential search, binary search, exchange (bubble) sort, selection sort, insertion sort.
Basic Electrical Electronic Engineering
C Programming and data Structures
CP and DS